Saturday, 30 August 2014

TF Song Game - In The Mood For Lust

Greetings to the lusty, seething, twisting, groaning hornbags of Tennis Forum,

Under this post, you can provide a discussion of the song you chose for Song Game 37 - In The Mood for Lust. This could potentially be a number of things; in particular, some of the songs have been questioned in terms of their sex appeal, so if you'd like the chance to explain why you feel it is appropriate to this theme, here's your chance, Tiger. If the song you chose has some personal significance in terms of particular memories or experiences, I'm sure we'd all be eager to hear about these as well!

Same rules apply as before: try and avoid identifying yourself in your reply, and the blog has been set up so you can post anonymously. Responses can be as long or as short or as non-existent as you choose.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

TF Song Game - Should Have Been A Single

Greetings ladies, gentlemen, pocket monsters, quiet fowls, geological rock formations, et al.

Under the advice of Supreme Commander AdeyC, I have set up another blog post for people to explain their song selection for the Should Have Been Single theme. In the comments section under this post, you can describe what you like about your nomination, how it compares to any other singles released by the act on the same CD, and why you feel your selection was a stand out.

The same principles apply as before. This is completely non-compulsory; responses can be as long or as short or as non-existent as you choose. As much as possible, try and avoid giving any indication of who you are in your reply; the blog has been set up so it is possible to comment anonymously.

Any replies will be posted on the TF thread for other posters to see