Thursday, 23 October 2014

TF Song Game - Your Love Life In A Song

Welcome to all the happily partnered, lustily promiscuous, and sultry singles of the TFBSG.

Here is a blog post for anyone wishing to explain the significance of their song choice in the Your Love Life In A Song competition. As always, replies are not necessary, and may be as long or as short as you wish. You can reply to this post anonymously below; to preserve the integrity of the game, try and avoid making your identity evident in your reply.

All responses will be posted again in the relevant game thread so that other players can read them.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

TF Song Game - Autumn

Autumn is here (at least in some, non-Australian, parts of the world), and a dance-music loving quiet fowl has asked us to capture the crunchy, golden-brown goodness of this season in song form. Due to the subjective nature of the theme, some people have asked for the blog to be set up so that participants can clarify the meaning/intention behind their entries.

In the comments section under this post, you can provide anonymous descriptions of why or how your songs relates to the world of the autumnal. Where possible, try to avoid making your identity evident in your replies. As before, responses can be as long or as short (or as non-existent) as you choose. 

Any comments provided will be posted on the TFBSG thread so that they are accessible to everyone.